A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Winter is upon us and the Mitt snow balls grows!

It's been a while since I've blogged, so I thought it was time to make a few more comments. With a very busy schedule, it is often hard to keep on top of politics, even though it is one of my hobbies. However, tonight I had some free time and was able to watch a few of the republican debates on the net and read a bit. Here is what I got from them (and also from recent articles and publications I have read):

1) Mitt Romney is the best candidate for the republicans in the 2008 election. He clearly won all of the debates that I saw, showing an extremely presidential demeanor, answering all the questions with powerful responses, and showing respect for his fellow candidates despite some of them personally attacking him. I think he is what the republicans are looking for in terms of morality, yet also possesses many views and strategies in his platform that will appeal to democrats. There is no other candidate, republican OR democrat who has such a general appeal.

2) The Evangelical Christians will eventually have to decide on who they will vote for as a majority. In the past, they have had so much influence in placing presidents in the oval office because of their unanimity in voting. They understand politics and realize that their votes spread out over several candidates will weaken their influence, so they must decide who their moral majority will support. As I see it, this can only logically be Mitt Romney. Giuliani is a liberal in republican's clothing in many cases, McCain does not have the funds to run a serious campaign, Thomspon is too lethargic and boring, and the other candidates are not serious threats. Mitt Romney is the only candidate that shares their moral views that also has the funding and a serious appeal to democrat voters (being the governor of the bluest blue state). When it comes down to it, they will not want to waste their votes on those who will not fair well against the democrats in a national election. This is part of why Mitt Romney ratings are steadily rising; voters are realizing that he is the only serious choice to potentially make a winning run for the presidency.

3) Mitt has experience as a business man and is the only candidate that I believe can truly help the economy in it current plight. While democrats want to raise taxes (a big 'no-no' when the economy is on the brink of recession), Mitt has an amazing and unprecedented plan to boost America's economic condition. His idea is to eliminate the tax on interest, dividends and capital gains on those who make $200,000 or less. This is HUGE! That basically means that Americans will no longer be penalized for saving their money. I can't think of a better way to encourage saving, investing, and infusing billions of dollars into American business than this. Plus this will increase Americans' ability to save for retirement, recession, and other needs, therefore decreasing the amount of money the government will have to put out for welfare, old age benefits, etc. This is an idea that eliminates problems rather than simply solving them temporarily. In an empire laden with mind-boggling consumer debt and a deplorable national savings rate, Mitt offers a light at the end of the tunnel with his strategies.

4) Mitt understands the need for better health care, but unlike the democrats, wants the private sector to run it to increase efficiency (as everything the government touches gets messed up). He has already put his ideas into practice and has seen the fruits of his labor in Massachusetts, unlike other candidates (including Hilary Clinton) who only talk and have very little to no experience in the matter.

5) Mitt looks the most presidential. Not that this should matter, but some people that vote can be shallow.

6) Mitt is leading in many of the early states such as Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. I truly believe that this is because the most informed voters currently reside there, as much of the advertising, debates, etc. have taken place there. Mitt does not have the natural fame of a Clinton, Obama or Giuliani, but as people get to know him, they are very apt to support him. Once American is truly exposed to Mitt Romney on a larger scale we will see support for him at the polls grow remarkably.

These are just some of the observations that I have noted from my most recent study of 2008 election news. In conclusion, the more I read, hear and see about Mitt Romney, the more solid my belief becomes that he is the best man for the job.


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