A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Why Canadians For Mitt

Why did we create Canadians For Mitt considering as Canadians we cannot vote in the U.S. election. Well, there are several reasons, first as to the interest in the American election is that every day we are exposed to American politics through our own media as well as our exposure to the many U.S. TV channels we receive and of course the availability of the internet. We are neighbours, allies, friends… Much of what America does has an effect on Canada and the rest of the world.

Another factor to consider is that at any given time there can be as many as half a million Americans living in Canada that can vote in the U.S. election. And given how close the elections have been, this could be an important group of voters. Republicans Abroad Canada is a group that among other things, promotes interest in the Republican Party and promotes voter registration and the casting of absentee ballots by Americans in Canada.

The main reason though is that Mitt is the smart an logical choice to be Commander and Chief of The U.S. and for that matter the free world. Mitt Romney is a family man of faith, knowledge, ability, action… Check out the links to our friends to see more about the man and his vision.

We may have little or no effect on the future of the coming choices our friends to the south make but, we might be able to prove to our American friends living here in the north that Mitt Romney isn’t the only choice but, he is the smart choice.

“What is liberty without wisdom and without
Edmund Burke

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