Wouldn’t it be nice if we all could put aside all the things that divide us and look at the things that bond us and thus makes us stronger? The attacks on all candidates on both sides are astonishing. Let’s imagine for a moment that we could filter out all the negative information real and fictitious about all the candidates and looked at just the things that should really matter. What kind of person are they, what good things have they done to make America a better place… Most importantly, WHAT can they bring to the presidency that will help the country during the tough times now and in the future and help improve the lives of all her people?
How are the American people going to be able to make an educated decision when the time comes with all the mis-information, half truths, distortions of facts…? This is not about electing a class president; we’re talking about The President of the United States here.
Although my opinion is biased, I believe it to be true that Governor Romney is still the best person for the job based on the type of person he is, what he has done and what he can do. It is time for people to quit knit picking and get behind Mitt and put the best person in the oval office. The coming months and years are going to be tough times for all kinds of reason, too many to list here. We need a person of action, a thinker, an achiever…
Mitt Romney is that person!
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