A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Things Are Happening

Hi Folks, sorry for the lack of postings but, here is an update as to where things are now that the Ontario election is over and it doesn’t appear there will be a federal election we can concentrate on what is happening south of the border.

In recent weeks Mitt has had some notable endorsements including Bob Jones III and Robert Taylor of Bob Jones University among others such as Connie Mack in Florida and just today Collier County Sheriff Don Hunter.

Last weekend he won a straw poll held at the socially conservative Values Voter Summit. Things are really starting to get interesting.
Rudy leads nationally with F. Thompson second but Romney still leads in the early primaries of Iowa and New Hampshire.

While the news about the economy seems bleak, the candidate from either party best suited to tackle the economy issues is clearly Mitt Romney. With his success in business, the Olympics and as Governor of Massachusetts his resume is impressive.

Romney continues to talk about his vision for building a stronger America with a stronger military, stronger economy, and stronger families (the three legged stool). His whole career he has faced extraordinary challenges and has always been able to find a solution. He was instrumental in turning around many companies, as well as the 2002 Winter Olympics, and the state of Massachusetts that he governed so well for four years.

With the exception of his failed attempt to defeat Ted Kennedy in the 1994 Senate election, Mitt has succeeded at every challenge he has faced. America needs and deserves a leader with a proven track record and executive experience.

Here’s to the coming weeks where the race really begins.



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