A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Analysis

So Mitt has decided to suspend his bid for GOP nominee. This comes as a huge disappointment to his supporters and to McCain opposers alike, but all the same, after Super Tuesday played out we all kind of saw it coming.

Super Tuesday was a beast in its own though. From West Virginia shenanagens to California yada yada, it was a serious shock that this is the system you guys trust to choose your leaders.

In retrospect, I think it's beneficial to take a look at what went wrong. Romney missed a few key opportunities to capitalize, sure, but I don't think anyone will honestly argue that America really wasn't ready for a Mormon president, and they have no idea why not. CNN did a poll after Florida that found that 12% of those who voted for McCain felt that he represented them on the issues.... 12% For crying out loud, if I represent 12% of those who voted for me I wouldn't be a very good representative now would I, so why then did people flock to McCain? To use an old term, the people "went away backwards" They knew they didn't want Romney, not sure why, and didn't care who else, just as long as it wasn't Romney. See West Virginia, anyone who can just see an opponent doing well and can tell their supporters to go team up with another OPPONENT to defeat this other guy, that says something. No regard for representation, how well he can lead the country, and on and on, that's not the issue. The issue, for you, the ignorant voting public was who was more charismatic, who's religion they were more familiar with, and who seemed less polished (great criteria). I cannot believe it still.

Unfortunately the other big factor is that Romney isn't a motivational speaker, you'll never see him with a headset mic and a bottle of water as he runs side to side on the stage. This played against him because McCain was a POW, (which somehow translates to qualified to lead a country) which gives you great and inspiring moments in speeches, whereas Romney really was more powerpoint esque, with all the right info, the right approaches, the entire vision, but no quaint anecdotes or stories of survival in an unforgiving prison. So you were blinded by chicken soup for the soul and a nice run of standup comedy. Whoop-de freakin do. If we were as blind as you, you could expect to see Mike Meyers voted into parliament, he's just so much like us and so funny.

Here is what I wish for you now America, you proud arrogant nation, I hope you get a McCain Huckabee ticket, and I hope it goes all the way, I want you to taste the ramifications of your decisions. This may be a surprise to you, but this isn't a highschool popularity contest, well at least it should not have been, but you treated it as though it was, voting McCain most likely to succeed, Huckabee the most spiritual, and Romney got best eyes and hair. Well guess what, you are choosing a president of your country, actually you were supposed to, instead what you've found is a puppet. Either McCain, Obama, or Clinton will all be figureheads with a whole administrations agenda running their actions.

McCain of all people, with 25 years of experience in the branch of government designed to move slow, take its time, and argue it out with a hundred other people to find a majority, he will be the one to take your 'executive' office, the office designed for an executive, someone who makes rapid decisions, moves quickly and decisively, and is right most of the time, but kept in check by the other more deliberate branches. Can anyone say square peg round hole?

I do though, I hope you get a McCain Huckabee ticket and taste the soup you have made America. I hope they both wear flannel shirts from wal-mart and you feel like they are just like you. I hope your constitution gets a reworking from God through Huckabee, and I hope you look back in four years as your mired in war, bad healthcare, and the exact same immigration problems your facing right now, I hope you look back and think WTF, we really chose grits and eggs over caviar? Here's to you America, land of the free (for now) and home of the brave (except when you're voting)

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Good Morning GOP Super Tuesday Voters. Get Up, We Have Work To Do

So did you have a good sleep? I sure hope so. Well, you better get up, today is a big day. You've gotta eat breakfast, go to work, oh ya, and most importantly vote for Mitt Romney. You see, there have been some "developments" over the past while that you may or may not be aware of. It seems that a Democrat Spy has infiltrated the Republican party and actually managed to get on the ballot. We don't know much about him except that he has a bad temper and shares political views that closely resemble those of Hillary Clinton. Witnesses describe him as old, maybe around 100 years old, balding, with a laugh that has been described as a mix between a witch cackle, caveman grunt, and a prepubescent hyena. Apparently his mission is to take enough of the GOP vote as to destroy Reagan's proven winning conservative coalition. Once he has completed his mission, he will then perform the will of his fellow liberals. You can detect him from his compulsive lying and chronic flip-flopping, even though he'll tell you that he is a "straight talker". If by "straight" he means "full" and by "talker" he means "of crap", then I guess he's not lying for once. Beware of the man, because he is armed with liberal ideas and dangerous. And kids, remember, if he offers you liberal candy DO NOT take it, it's poisonous. They say the best way to combat this treacherous nuisance is by voting for a true conservative, Mitt Romney. According to the most savvy conservative pundits, this Romney character has the ability to unite all three legs of the conservative coalition; namely economic, social and foreign policy/defense conservatives. You will know Romney when you see him. He has near perfect hair, a gorgeous wife, and stands with conservatives on all the issues. When asked about an issue, he will explain his view and plans, unlike the spy we just mentioned, who will evade the issue of change the subject. Most conservatives have already backed him up and now it's up to you to seal the deal. Oh, this just in from Georgia ... here he is:

While you were sleeping the calm sea began to stir and has became very active. According to Redstate the trend is real: Conservatives are rallying for Romney, and a wave has started and is quickly picking up momentum as you read this. Go out and make it bigger.

Erik from RedState said "By the way, I’m thinking Romney wins California tomorrow and I suspect he’ll win more states, if not more delegates, than McCain. I don’t think McCain’s team has reacted with serious aggression to the trend of conservatives rallying to Romney."

The trend is real — conservatives are rallying for Mitt. Make sure you take your place in saving the Republican party from the tyrannical plague that is John McCain. Say no tomorrow to a so-called "Republican" who is actually liberal, and say yes to a true conservative who can maintain the strong house that Reagan built. Remember, every journey starts with a single step, just as every president starts with a single vote.

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Romney Hottness..... mmmm daddy

The latest Reuters/CSPAN polls put Romney 8 points up in California. This race keeps getting better, as the Reuters/CSpan is one of the more respected polls out there. This means that things may be much closer than anticipated and conservatives may be coming to their senses.

To be honest, after Florida Romney was hurt. The Romney strategy feeds on momentum and winning one here or there wasn't doing it. By shifting his strategy to a more longevity focus, he has adjusted to the times and has renewed his campaigns momentum by allowing conservatives to get a taste of John McCain as the front runner, surprise surprise he is not what America thought they were getting. The longer McCain sits in the spotlight the higher Romney will climb in the polls. So Florida may be a blessing in disguise.

If Romney takes California, which is cooking up to be as close a call as Florida was the night before their primary, the momentum may shift. It is recognized that Romney will storm a few conservative states as well as his home stomping grounds of Mass, so even without California he's staying in the competition, but with California, a message is sent to America to wake and smell the fresh maple.

For now though, let America examine home slice McCain and recognize the mistake that is his campaign, then when the dust settles, Romney can rise up like a phoenix on an old trans am.... ahhh booyah baybee!

Okay, so I got a little carried away with that last part, but you get the picture, Romney's got the ball with 2:34 on the clock in the 4th quarter of the superbowl and McCain is playing the clock, not the game. Well, the rest is as they say, history. Or in our case, potential history.

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This Just In ... McCain and Hillary's Policies Were Identical Twins Separated at Birth

It's scary how much these two think alike. However, it's a lot scarier for Republicans as McCain claims that he's a conservative, and unfortunately there are quite a few confused Republicans that haven't come out of the political closet yet to actually admit that they are Democrats (why else would they vote McCain?).

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Monday, February 4, 2008

The Great Rush Limbaugh Endorses Mitt Romney?

On the final day before voters hit the polls for Super Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh said the following:

"Now, I think now, based on the way the campaign has shaken out, that there probably is a candidate on our side who does embody all three legs of the conservative stool, and that's Romney. The three stools or the three legs of the stool are national security/foreign policy, the social conservatives, and the fiscal conservatives. The social conservatives are the cultural people. The fiscal conservatives are the economic crowd: low taxes, smaller government, get out of the way."

Now I've been following Rush for a while now and he hasn't really endorsed anyone. It was obvious for a while that he liked Fred Thompson, but he's obviously out of the picture. Today, however, he made the closest thing to an official endorsement that he has in a long time. In the past he just said not to vote for McCain or Huckabee because they would destroy the Republican party (by deduction leaving Mitt to choose), but now he is actually coming out and saying that a vote for Romney is a good choice.

"I think that's pretty wise. I think right now Romney probably -- as the campaign has coalesced and as the campaign has progressing on down the highway -- I think the one candidate of the three still out there on our side matter (and actually it's just two, because Huckabee doesn't, in terms of a chance to win) in saying who more closely embodies all three legs of this conservative stool, you'd have to say that it's Mitt Romney. There's actually no choice in the matter. It certainly isn't Senator McCain."

Tomorrow should be interesting if nothing else. Hopefully the endorsements for Romney of so many conservative pundits during the past week won't be considered too little too late.

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GOP Voters Can Learn a Lesson From These Animals

This is one of the coolest wildlife videos I have seen, and the best part is that it represents what I hope will happen tomorrow on Super Tuesday. Take a look and keep in mind the roles that each of the animals in the video play.

Lions - John McCain
Crocodile - Mike Huckabee
Baby Wildebeest - The Conservative Coalition
Heard of Wildebeest - Conservative voters lead by Mitt Romney

You see, the Wildebeests represent conservative voters. They are walking around minding their own business when suddenly a ravenous Lion, John McCain (could have also been played effectively by a rhino), takes hold of the vulnerable baby wildebeest (the conservative coalition). The lions care nothing about the fate of the wildebeest. They only want a quick meal to satisfy their own personal hunger. This is like McCain, who cares nothing for conservatives, Republicans or the Reagan coalition, but rather uses them to fulfill his own selfish desire to be president. As the lions approach the water, the crocodile makes his appearance and grabs hold of the young wildebeest. This is Mike Huckabee (his presence is short, but painful). The two predators proceed to tug at the beast, just as McCain and Huckabee are in collusion, and tearing apart the conservative coalition. It seems inevitable that the little wildebeest is doomed, but when all seems lost, hope arrives. A large wildebeest comes forward and not only scares off the crocodile, but launches a lion into the air, off one of his own. This is Mitt Romney, the only conservative candidate who actually cares about the health of the coalition. He leads the other faithful conservatives (herd of wildebeests) against the lions. Not only do the get the young wildebeest back (the Reagan Coalition), but they chase of the liberal lions. This is the part that I hope will happen tomorrow; the conservatives rallying behind Romney on Super Tuesday.

Moral of the story/video: conservatives, we can't let liberals rip apart the Reagan Coalition. It is time to stand up and be counted ... counted for Romney, the only conservative left and an amazing man who will not only defeat the Democrats, but fix Washington. Let's take this battle on past Tuesday and into November.

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The Words of a Desperate Huckabee

Just a few weeks ago Mike Huckabee was calling Romney's campaign desperate, among other things. Now the tables are turned and Huckabee's popularity is waning rapidly. Even though he should have the decency to drop out of the race, he won't. He continues to campaign against logic and common sense. The only theory that anyone can come up with is that he is trying to stop Mitt Romney, either because he doesn't like Mormons, or because he wants something from McCain later. In any case, he is still up to his old antics and is as slimy as ever, only now his tone of confidence has been replaced with one of desperation and weakness.

The following video shows what I am talking about. Unfortunately I cannot embed so you'll have to follow the link, or copy and paste it into a separate window. I don't know where this interview takes place, but it could quite possibly be in the basement of one of his hardcore followers.


You see how he uses the classic line about Mitt Romney spending so much money, yadda, yadda,
yadda. YOU KNOW WHAT FOLKS, I am sick and tired of this ludicrous argument against Romney. Romney lived the American dream and became remarkably successful. Sue the guy! He is a model for conservatives. Why are McCain and Huck bashing him for this? Oh ya, I forgot, because they are liberals! Well, I don't know if they noticed, but the Democrats have raised and are spending a truck load of money on their campaigns. Do you think Mike Huckabee's 20 bucks is going to go far against them? You bet it's not. So I think the fact that both McCain and Huck have ran weak fundraising campaigns only gives them the right to shut their dirty traps about Mitt's success. Not to mention that John McCain married into an extremely rich family, so he doesn't exactly have the best leg to stand on. At least Mitt made his money and didn't McMarry-rich.

He also mentions how Mitt Romney tore apart businesses at Bain Capital and in effect cut much needed jobs (this is very John Edwards of him). Does Huck really believe that we are THAT stupid? I mean take Staples or Domino's for example. He took control of both these companies when they were failing. Yes, INITIALLY he made some cuts, but this was only necessary to save the business. Then he expanded them, creating even more jobs than were taken away. Now both companies are gigantic and employ thousands. Sometimes you need to prune a tree so that it will grow properly. Evidently Mike thinks that bankrupt companies are better for American than healthy ones. Good point Mike. Not.

Hugh Hewitt also had the following to say about the Huckster's pitiful antics.

"Mike Huckabee probably didn't do his effort to hang on to his voters with his attack on Sean Hannity, widely regarded as one of the nicest guys in talk radio, and a hero to the military and their families for his many concerts and rallies on behalf of the troops. Like many other talkers, Hannity is urging conservatives to rally to Romney to keep the party of Reagan the party of Reagan. Huckabee's disappointment in Rush for declaring "a vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain," and now Hannity for endorsing Romney probably extends to Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin and the other talkers who day in and day out have been advancing conservative principles for the past decade and who rightly see the GOP contest now as a clear choice between McCain and Romney. Huck's salvo at Sean would have been ill-advised under any circumstances, but to accuse the very popular conservative leader of being motivated by anything other than his own convictions was deeply offensive to people who know Sean and admire his generous, always upbeat spirit and his commitment to conservative principles."

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

If the Giants Can Do It, So Can Mitt Romney!

Tonight watching the Super Bowl, as I usually do, I was routing for the underdog. The New England Patriots went into the Bowl with a perfect 18-0 record. They were the clear favourite going into the final against the New York Giants. Almost everyone predicted a Patriot win, and until the final minutes that's what it looked like it would be.

But with less than a minute left, Eli Manning threw a pass, that I'm sure will become legendary and will be played countless times tomorrow on television and on the internet, and hit Plaxico Burress for the touchdown to win the game 17-14.

What happened tonight was spectacular and reminds of what I believe can and will happen to Mitt Romney, not at the Super Bowl but Super Tuesday. Until recently, John McCain was the clear favourite in the polls. It appeared as if Romney couldn't touch him. But much like what happened tonight, the tide is turning, and with less than 4 days left (like a minute left in a football game) Romney will catch the game winning pass from conservatives all over America, producing a huge upset and glorious victory.

A lesson was learned tonight ... In the words of the great Winston Churchill, "Never give in, never, never, never, never." Mitt won't give in, and neither will we. In America everything is possible.

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Ok Republicans, Enough Joking Around ... Let's Get Serious.

Well, the Republican party has had a few weeks to mess around, but now it's time to get down to business and elect both a conservative and someone who will hold the Republican party together.

John McCain is NOT this person. He is a living, walking, talking joke (and liar) if he really thinks that he is a Republican. That is like saying that Rosie O'Donnell is lady-like ... or William Hung is a good singer... or that Roland Martin of CNN makes good points, doesn't have a weird head shape and isn't going bald ... man I hate that guy. The point is that McCain cares nothing for the Republican Party, and even less for the conservatives that make up the majority of its base. He is just using the party as a vehicle to prove to America that he isn't a failure (having lost past elections). He is like one of the those aliens species in a Sci-Fi flick that takes over a planet, uses all its resources and then leaves it destroyed to go on to the next one. If he gets the nomination, he will leave the Republican Party in shambles and won't care one bit. No wonder the liberal media loves this guy ... he is their number one hitman! This video further explains what I'm talking about. (BTW, all the videos used in this post were discovered by NY For Mitt - one of my favourite Mitt sites).

Anyone with half a brain can clearly see that McCain is just a Democrat in Republican's clothing. The one thing that is Republican about him is his stance on the war on terror, but it is not a stance exclusive to him by any means (Romney also believes strongly in keeping America safe from terrorists). In fact there isn't much difference between John McCain and Hilary Clinton.

And how could anyone still vote Huckabee. You know, in all honesty, I think Huckabee is a captivating speaker and a fairly likable guy. But he has no chance of winning the race and only stays in to help McCain stop Romney by taking away key states/votes. Evangelical conservatives must realize that a vote for Huck = a vote for a liberal, McCain. Does this man have any honour. The only thing that he may be trying to do is secure himself a position as McCain's running mate. Maybe that's because they're not all that different. Check out the video "Birds of a Feather".

So Republicans, this is no joke anymore. You can either elect a true conservative who will have a great shot at beating the Democrats, and more importantly is just what American needs at this pivotal point in its history (economically, socially, and militarily) ... OR ... you can have an angry, bitter, hypocritical old liberal who calls himself not only a Republican, but a conservative. I think the choice is clear. You vote matters. Make if for Mitt.

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Romney Wins Maine - Race and Delegate Update

Romney won in Maine on Saturday by a landslide (he got 52% of the vote). Of course the media won't make a big deal of it because Romney won (it's only a big deal when someone they support wins). Apparently they had great voter turnout, and in some areas the biggest since Ronald Reagan was running in the 80's. The best part is that McCain got two huge (or at least he thinks they are) endorsements from two Maine Senators and is still getting slain by Romney. Heck, Ron Paul is in a close race with McCain for second (good job Ron)! Well done Maine ... you are an example for the rest of us and vote like true conservatives should ... you know ... for conservatives (not male versions of Hilary Clinton)! Maine has 21 delegates up for grabs (but 3 are unpledged). So Romney took all 18 available delegates from Maine. Here is the updated map (I will update the delegate scoreboard and medal count when all the polls have reported.

Delegate Count/Score board: (as per CNN)

  • McCain - 97
  • Romney - 92
  • Huckabee - 29
  • Paul - 6
Medal Count:

1) Romney - 4 golds, 3 silvers
2) McCain - 3 golds, 2 silvers, 1 bronze
3) Huckabee - 1 gold, 1 silver, 2 bronzes
4) Paul - 1 silver, 1 bronze

The site Vote Mitt For President has these wise words to say:

This "is a delicious victory, because it shows that when the media stays out of the way and lets the people just vote, they overwhelming vote in favor of Romney. Romney has done extremely well in three contests so far, and won a fourth by a fair margin. The three he did amazingly well in were Wyoming, Nevada, and now Maine. In all three where he won by LARGE margins, the media didn’t focus on the race much, and the people were not inundated with news reports done by the “We Love McCain” media (also known as the mainstream media.) Left to their own devices, and their own investigations of Romney and McCain online, voters overwhelming chose Mitt.

The media will most likely disparage this caucus too, in an attempt to downplay Romney yet again. Never mind that this will mean that Romney will have won more states than McCain, and will have roughly the same amount of delegates. No, if the media brought that up, no doubt they’d get kicked off the air for giving such “biased” coverage of the race.

Whether the MSM wants to admit it or not, Romney is not out, not by a long shot. It’s time to Rally to Romney, FredHeads, Rudyiacs, and MittHeads alike!!! We know who the conservative is! And to the Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee supporters: Whether you want to admit it or not, it’s time to face the facts - this has quickly become a two-man race. Do you want a conservative nominee or a moderate (on a good day - liberal 89% of the time) nominee? There is no other plausible scenario. Choose, and please do so wisely. The future of our great country is in your hands.

America, it’s time to decide. For me, the choice has been made: RALLY TO ROMNEY!!!!!!"

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