A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Friday, January 25, 2008

You’d Have To Be a McCainiac To Vote For John McCain, Or Just Really Drunk

John McCain isn’t putting the “hip” back in “hypocrite”. This cranky, ill-tempered geezer is out showing the world that he is everything BUT a straight talker. Remember when McCain and his boyfriend Huckabee were tag teaming Mitt Romney saying that he was being too negative on the campaign trail, when all he was doing was showing everyone their dismal/liberal records (something important to know)? Well, now Saint McCain is out their doing the exact same thing to Mitt. Today he bashed Mitt publicly saying that he’s a manager, not a leader (obviously implying that he is). This hypocrisy has been going on for quite a while now. It’s convenient that McCain can be the nice guy who doesn’t attack (and criticizes others for attacking) when it makes him look good, but quickly turns from Jekyll to Hyde when it doesn’t matter. McCain’s supposed straight talk is about as straight as a question mark. Clearly Mitt wouldn’t let him get away with his empty accusations and hit him back.

Romney said McCain thinks “being on the Commerce Committee in the Senate, that’s what gives you the expertise you need to know about how the economy works.” He added sarcastically, “Yeah, oh yeah,” before citing several of McCain’s quotes in the last several years in which the Arizona senator acknowledges his weakness in economic matters comparative to his knowledge of foreign and military issues.

“Now I think that’s straight talk, all right?” Romney went on, “Washington talk says that somehow because you’ve been in Washington and you’ve been on a committee that you somehow know about how the jobs of this country are created.”

Did anybody else notice how poorly McCain answered questions at the Florida debate last night (see video below)? When Ron Paul asked him about the economy, he’s mumbled out some verbal diarrhea about how he “knows people” in Washington who can advise him on economic stuff. WOW, I mean WOW! The economy is only THE MOST IMPORTANT issue in American right now and he’s gonna ask his buddies what to do! Gee, John, I though you said you were a leader? Mitt, the real leader, has a stimulus plan and is ready to take action. McCain is the manager, simply wanting to sit on his pedestal and supervise those under him making all the crucial decisions. And he’s not even a good manager – he’s like the manager of a sleazy fried chicken joint. The guy has almost no substance, and the only bit of it that he does have is liberal! He calls Romney a flip-flopper, but he has flip-flopped on way more issues. Mitt’s record shows that once he has changed his view on a position, he has stuck with it. McCain can’t say the same.

The only reason McCain is getting so much attention is because the media views him as the best guy to stop Romney, the only true conservative left in the race capable of defeating the Dems. Notice how they don’t prop up Huckabee much anymore? Why? Because he’s a lost cause…they need to get the biggest bang for their critical, manipulative, biased buck, and that is by electing McCain. And the media says, “well McCain will appeal to Democratic voters in the national election if he gets the nomination because of his moderate position”. Two red flags to be had here. First off, why would Republicans vote for a guy the Democrats would like (due to his liberal positions)? Second, one of the most important issues to Democrats is pulling out of Iraq. Why would they take McCain, who would happily build his vacation home on shores of the Persian Gulf, over one of their own candidates, just because he has “some” moderate views? The answer is simple. If Republicans vote McCain, they might as well be Democrats, or … they might as well hand over the election to Clinton or Obama on a silver platter (with girls beside their throne that fan them with giant leaves and feed them grapes). McCain, like Huckabee, will ruin the conservative coalition and cause a devastating blow to the Republican Party and their voters’ moral. But hey, if any Democrats out there are reading this, I just gave you a great strategy to win the national election: support “Republican” John McCain. After all, to logically support this guy you’d either have to be a Democrat or a McCainiac.

Here is a video made by the Ron Paul guys that pretty much sums up John McCain's knowledge about the most important issue to Americans: the economy. Super funny, from the debate last night, take a look.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Romney Enjoys Four Point Lead In Florida before Tonight's MSNBC Debate

Going into tonight's Florida debate (which airs live on MSNBC at 9pm eastern and streams live at MSNBC.com), Mitt Romney leads in the Florida GOP polls. According to the most recent poll by Mason-Dixon, he is leading the pack at 30%, followed by McCain (26%), Giuliani (18%) and the Huckster (13%). This lead comes in spite of the media, not surprisingly, shooting most of its coverage John McCain's way.

Check out the article "Romney, Obama lead in upcoming primaries" at MSNBC.com for more details.


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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Can One Voter Really Make a Difference?

If I came up to you and offered you to pick between the following two choices, which would you take?

Option #1 - I will give you a million dollars cash right now, on the spot, no strings attached.

Option #2 - I will give you a penny today, which you can bring back to me tomorrow to trade me for two pennies (double). The next day you could bring me the two pennies, at which time I would give you four. This doubling would continue for 31 days. For example, this is what the first 10 days would look like.

Day 1 - 1 cent
Day 2 - 2 cents
Day 3 - 4 cents
Day 4 - 8 cents
Day 5 - 16 cents
Day 6 - 32 cents
Day 7 - 64 cents
Day 8 - 1.28 dollars
Day 9 - 2.56 dollars
Day10- 5.12 dollars
Continued for another 21 days

You may have seen something like this before, but it is not surprising that many people would take the first option of one millions dollars now instead of the second doubling option. Well, the truth is that by taking the second option you would end up with $10,747,418.24, almost 11 times more than the first.

So what am I getting at here? Yes, yes, I actually have a point! The point is that the power of doubling is huge. You may think, "I like Mitt Romney, but what difference is my one vote going to make?". First of all, this is a dangerous way to think, because if everyone thought this way the person who gets into power to govern many would be decided by very few. But imagine if you could convince two of your friends or family who were not going to vote for Romney to do so; and what if they did the same thing. In 31 days, almost 11 million new voters would come out for Mitt. It all starts with one though, just as the old proverb says, "every journey begins with a single step".

There are still almost two weeks until Super Tuesday and even less until Florida. What can you do to support Mitt in his battle for the nomination?

Visit this link to see what you can do to:

Elect Romney in 2008 - Florida and Super Tuesday: What You Can Do

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And just like that

John McCain is less of a person.

Lets not have him run america.... mmmkay?

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

thompson exits stage left

So Thompson bows out this morning and for captain Mitt, this is great news. Remember, McCain is losing among pure bred republicans which make up the majority of Thompson voters so one could logically conclude that the Thompson following will be divvied up among Huckster and Romney. Huckabee is only a contender in the southern states, which leaves the new found free votes out west up for grabs. Making Romney's close second in the polls all of the sudden become a dangerous second chasing McCain with a new found vigour, and with legitimate money and not just hopes of money.

Thompson was one of the last to join the race and one of the first to drop out. Look out folks, the party just got interesting.

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Glenn Beck Calls Out Media Bias Against Romney

CNN's Glenn Beck has made his opinion of the mainstream media's obvious bias against Mitt Romney open to the public. Elect Romney in 2008 (a site that posts a steady stream of good quality, interesting articles - I can't praise these guys enough) was informed of this article from one of their readers.

Here are some key points made by Beck:

"It’s, especially around election time. It’s very, very interesting. For example, how do they know which primaries are important? Glad to know that. Seems to me that some are extraordinarily important and others, even when it’s a close race, barely even worth a mention. Why is that? Apparently we do have some sort of a rule developing here that I just don’t understand. The truly important primaries are the ones that Romney doesn’t win. Iowa’s important, Wyoming isn’t. New Hampshire is important, despite the fact that Wyoming has more delegates than New Hampshire. New Hampshire is also more important than Michigan, which also has more delegates and where more people voted than all of the other primaries combined. South Carolina is important but Nevada isn’t, even though Nevada once again has more delegates and the fact that Nevada is apparently important to the Democrats. Are you following me so far? This is the new rule. It’s very hard, but once they put it up in a chart with just a slogan, if Romney wins, it’s not important. You mark my words. Florida is suddenly not going to be important."

Imagine if McCain had won these states ... the media would have made a huge story out of it, or i it was Huckabee, they would have called it a miracle. But because it was Romney, no big deal ... in fact they make us believe that it was no accomplishment at all.

"Story line goes that Michigan just rewarded Romney because he’s their state’s favorite son, although he left the state when he was a kid, something that McCain pointed out before the vote. This guy has no ties here, he left before he was a kid. Then during his concession speech McCain said that it was nice of Michigan to reward their favorite son, something that he said before the election wasn’t true. And that line of thinking because John McCain said it, immediately adopted by the media. Nevada, however, is a different story. I mean, it’s obvious now. This is what they’re reporting. It is obvious that Romney was going to win, wildly expected, spent so much money. Romney was the man to win, wildly expected. Really? It was? That’s weird. Six days, six days before the caucus in Nevada, it was a 4-point lead for John McCain. By the way, that lead was not over Romney. That lead was over Giuliani. Romney was not only behind McCain at 22%, Giuliani at 18%. He was also behind Huckabee at 16%. Romney in Nevada, six days before the election at 15%. Some polls had him with a lead but nothing like the 51/14 win he wound up pulling off, Ron Paul coming in second. Now, does this give him any momentum? Of course not. People today are saying if he doesn’t win Florida, he should drop out. Of course not. Why? Because the Nevada win was all about Mormons. Did you know that the state has 9% Mormons is this so 0 that 9% gave him the 51% lead, that 9% did. All the Mormons that came out to vote for Romney, of the Mormons, he won the Mormons. He made the Mormon vote. It’s absolutely true. The problem is Romney also won every other religion. All the Catholics that came out, he won all the Catholics. All the Presbyterians, he won all the Presbyterians. All the Baptists, he won all the Baptists. In fact, Romney won every single demographic category of the 67 exit polls measured except for three and most of them by a very wide margin."

Despite Mitt doing better than any other candidate in terms of delegates, number of states won, and overall total votes, the media always thinks that Mitt should quit the race if he doesn't win the next state.

"But let’s put things into perspective here. Romney shouldn’t be dropping out of Florida. Even if he loses Florida. Which, by the way, a new Rasmussen report, a new poll out just today, you’ll find it on the front page, shows Romney now ahead in Florida. It was a three-way tie. McCain, Giuliani, all about 18%. It now shows Romney. Everybody else still at 16 and 18% and Romney at 25% in Florida. So he should definitely drop out of Florida. This guy has momentum despite what the media is doing to him. This guy has momentum despite all of the candidates ganging up on him. He’s run the most consistent campaign against the early states with his worst finish in a close race for 3rd with Fred Thompson in South Carolina. His worst finish was third place. And yet the messenger of change is John McCain and Hillary Clinton. My goodness, I just, I just don’t understand that."

To anyone who has eyes and half a brain it is clear to see that the liberal media hates Mitt Romney because they view him as the biggest threat to take out one of their Democrat favourites. The more they hate on him, the more you know he's doing well.

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Hell Just Froze Over and Pig Flew Past It - A Mediaman Tells the Truth!

This, ladies and gentlemen, is truth at it's best. Spread this video to whomever you can. And thank you to Elect Romney in 2008 for showing it to me.

I can't believe I actually saw a representative of the mainstream media say this! Wow, there truly is a first for everything. The Media tells the truth! I am actually shocked...my mouth has dropped in awe...seriously. I never thought I'd say this about a media guy, but I couldn't have said it better myself. Take a look.

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Pre-polls Look Good For Mitt in the Sunshine State

Mitt Romney won Nevada by a handsome margin and then left immediately for Florida, instead of spending the night in South Carolina waiting for results from their caucus. Some criticized this choice, arguing that South Carolina would be the gateway to the south, but now it's looking like old Mitt was right after all. According to the latest Rasmussen Poll, Romney is leading in Florida by 5% with 25% of in the pre-polls, followed by McCain with 20% and Giuliani with 19%. In the next Republican debate I can guarantee that both McCain and Giuliani will go after Romney; especially Giuliani, since Florida will probably make or break him. Hopefully, though, Rudy won't make the same mistake that Fred Thompson did and only go after Romney, just as Fred only really went after Huckabee, leaving McCain unscathed despite deserving much criticism for his liberal past. A strong showing for Mitt in Florida (gold or silver could really set him up for great voter support on super Tuesday).

While I still have your attention, one thing that I really wanted to mention is something that Mitt said in an interview after he won Nevada, but only came fourth (although a very close fourth) in South Carolina. When asked whether he thought voters in the south would support him, he gave an astute reply. He basically said that voters in the south will support whatever good conservative wins the nomination for the GOP, but that he has proved that he can win the "swing states" like Michigan and Nevada. This is an excellent point. To defeat the Democrats, the GOP doesn't need a candidate that will only win the south (because they will most likely vote Republican anyway). They need someone who will win the states that are sitting on the fence, deciding whether to vote Democrat or Republican. This shows that Mitt is not just thinking about winning the nomination, but actually the white house, and demonstrates his contagious confidence and optimism. Plus during the past few days he has been talking a lot about why Clinton and Obama aren't what American needs. In my opinion, Mitt has just stepped it up a level and has his head in the right place - winning the presidency so that he can represent conservatives and change Washington for the better. This race just keeps on getting better and better everyday!

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Monday, January 21, 2008

World Markets Take a Huge Hit

Today, with growing fear of the US economy going into recession and lack of confidence in President Bush's economic stimulus plan, markets all around the world really took a huge beating. Here in Canada the TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange) lost more than 600 points, or approximately 5% in one day. This is in addition to the substantial decline it, and other world markets, experienced last week. I personally have seen my investment portfolio drop thousands of dollars in the past few trading days and, let me tell you, it's a scary situation to be in. Hopefully Ben Bernanke, the head of the US Federal Reserve, will announce a major cut in interest rates in the next few days, or the markets will lose even more. Unfortunately, doing this may erode the US dollar even further. It is a sickening feeling to log on to the internet and see that the market has dropped that much in one day, on top of the accumulated decline from last week. It really takes that smirk of the faces of the people suffering from insane inflationary mentality, that believe that the market will go up forever.

The point is this: THIS IS NO TIME TO SCREW AROUND! It just goes to show that we need someone with experience, who can stimulate the economy while in power. No offense to Barack Obama, but he has a track record about as long as a match stick, and this is no time to take a chance on severe inexperience. Furthermore, any democrat who wants to RAISE taxes, clearly doesn't understand how this will worsen the economy. On the republican side, many want a strong military and tighter border controls, but these things cost money, and ride on the coat tails of a strong economy. What happened today just confirms even stronger that we need a Mitt Romney in the Oval office; someone who has spent the majority of his life taking failing businesses and operations and turning them around. We have to stop messing being wooed by political rhetoric, fancy and stirring speeches, and smooth talking one-liner politicians. We need someone who can assess what's going on, create an appropriate strategy, and then act. We need Mitt Romney.

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Mitt Romney Performs Excellently on Tonight Show With Jay Leno

The night before the Nevada and South Carolina primaries, Romney appeared on Jay Leno's Tonight Show and did a great job not only showing his sense of humour, but also talking about the issues. The video wasn't up on You Tube until recently, but it is now, so here it is:

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

an underground network for mitt?

So here's a question I'd love an answer to. Watching the news yesterday as results came in, the media was consistent to point out that Romney would have wanted to campaign in Nevada rather than South Carolina because there is a strong Mormon population in Nevada, and therefore Mitt's got an in, a sure fire population that "no one had taken into consideration." Well at maybe 4% of the US population, I want to know how they think this underground movement is working? The Mormon card seems to be played way too much by the media to be realistic. We know it wasn't the reason for a strong showing in Iowa, nor New Hampshire, Wyoming, and Nevada for that matter. If the Jews aren't making Giuliani magically win states, and the blacks don't give the election to Obama, I really don't understand how the media thinks a few Mormons stand a chance at throwing their 'weight' in an election.

No, it's not those who affiliate with the same religion that are making Mitt Romney America's choice, it's what happens when the race comes down to the issues. You see, the more of the candidates we get to enjoy, the more fragile every other candidates platform becomes with slip ups and semantics as well as voting preferences and their true stance on issues comes forth. But with Romney, who may have started out a bit fragile with accusations of flip flopping and being a "pretty boy," he is becoming more and more solid as the campaigns wear on. His stance on issues continually supports what he's been saying all along, no one is surprised as they find out his stance on the war, his vision for the economy, or his actual, real, plans to change Washington (as opposed to rhetoric on top of rhetoric reminiscent of deep fried froth).

No CNN - Fox News - Network media, as much fun as it would be to have a secret underground movement of Mormons electing the next president, the numbers aren't there, which means eventually you're going to have to take a look at the bigger issue... Romney brought an A game sweethearts.

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