A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pre-polls Look Good For Mitt in the Sunshine State

Mitt Romney won Nevada by a handsome margin and then left immediately for Florida, instead of spending the night in South Carolina waiting for results from their caucus. Some criticized this choice, arguing that South Carolina would be the gateway to the south, but now it's looking like old Mitt was right after all. According to the latest Rasmussen Poll, Romney is leading in Florida by 5% with 25% of in the pre-polls, followed by McCain with 20% and Giuliani with 19%. In the next Republican debate I can guarantee that both McCain and Giuliani will go after Romney; especially Giuliani, since Florida will probably make or break him. Hopefully, though, Rudy won't make the same mistake that Fred Thompson did and only go after Romney, just as Fred only really went after Huckabee, leaving McCain unscathed despite deserving much criticism for his liberal past. A strong showing for Mitt in Florida (gold or silver could really set him up for great voter support on super Tuesday).

While I still have your attention, one thing that I really wanted to mention is something that Mitt said in an interview after he won Nevada, but only came fourth (although a very close fourth) in South Carolina. When asked whether he thought voters in the south would support him, he gave an astute reply. He basically said that voters in the south will support whatever good conservative wins the nomination for the GOP, but that he has proved that he can win the "swing states" like Michigan and Nevada. This is an excellent point. To defeat the Democrats, the GOP doesn't need a candidate that will only win the south (because they will most likely vote Republican anyway). They need someone who will win the states that are sitting on the fence, deciding whether to vote Democrat or Republican. This shows that Mitt is not just thinking about winning the nomination, but actually the white house, and demonstrates his contagious confidence and optimism. Plus during the past few days he has been talking a lot about why Clinton and Obama aren't what American needs. In my opinion, Mitt has just stepped it up a level and has his head in the right place - winning the presidency so that he can represent conservatives and change Washington for the better. This race just keeps on getting better and better everyday!

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