So here's a question I'd love an answer to. Watching the news yesterday as results came in, the media was consistent to point out that Romney would have wanted to campaign in Nevada rather than South Carolina because there is a strong Mormon population in Nevada, and therefore Mitt's got an in, a sure fire population that "no one had taken into consideration." Well at maybe 4% of the US population, I want to know how they think this underground movement is working? The Mormon card seems to be played way too much by the media to be realistic. We know it wasn't the reason for a strong showing in Iowa, nor New Hampshire, Wyoming, and Nevada for that matter. If the Jews aren't making Giuliani magically win states, and the blacks don't give the election to Obama, I really don't understand how the media thinks a few Mormons stand a chance at throwing their 'weight' in an election.
No, it's not those who affiliate with the same religion that are making Mitt Romney America's choice, it's what happens when the race comes down to the issues. You see, the more of the candidates we get to enjoy, the more fragile every other candidates platform becomes with slip ups and semantics as well as voting preferences and their true stance on issues comes forth. But with Romney, who may have started out a bit fragile with accusations of flip flopping and being a "pretty boy," he is becoming more and more solid as the campaigns wear on. His stance on issues continually supports what he's been saying all along, no one is surprised as they find out his stance on the war, his vision for the economy, or his actual, real, plans to change Washington (as opposed to rhetoric on top of rhetoric reminiscent of deep fried froth).
No CNN - Fox News - Network media, as much fun as it would be to have a secret underground movement of Mormons electing the next president, the numbers aren't there, which means eventually you're going to have to take a look at the bigger issue... Romney brought an A game sweethearts.
Mormons are like the Spartans of ancient Greece. (MSM say that Mormons are like Christians on steroids). Spartans are trained for battle from their youth. They are worth five times the warriors of other nations. Likewise, LDS youths are trained at a very early age to conduct meetings, organize events, motivate and lead. Doing caucus becomes second nature.
Now, taking this train of thought, each Mormon voter would counts as five votes. Nevada has 8% LDS population. Eight times five is 40% ! The other 11% Mitt got from his good looks.
Well I guess I never considered the sparta effect.
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