A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mitt-man and Thomps-in unite to fight the Joker (Huckabee)

Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson have something in common; they both think it would be an absolute travesty if Mike Huckabee won the nomination. Thompson, in an interview, said that Huckabee isn't really even a conservative. Although he stands for some moral issues that many conservatives feel are important, that's about the extent of his appeal. Thompson claims that Huckabee doesn't share the same views as most conservatives on issues like immigration, taxes, social policies, and more (on these issues, he's as good as a democrat). Furthermore, there are many other candidates that represent these moral opinions and also fit the bill for what a true conservative should be. Mitt Romney is that man. He is a candidate who can please the masses and has the money and brains behind his campaign, not only to win the republican nomination, but also defeat the democrats in one of the most important elections the US have ever seen.

NY for Mitt did an excellent article on Fred Thompson's interview with CBN (Christian Broadcast Network) and there is even a link to watch a video of it. Check it out at:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Polly Batman! That Joker is going down!