A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Mitt Romney - The Comeback Kid

Just a few short weeks ago, Mike Huckabee came out of nowhere and rocketed to the top of the polls in Iowa. He implied on many occasions that the reason for his success is that God wanted him to win. He kept this lead for a while, until now, when the latest polls are showing Mitt Romney with as much as a 9 point lead in Iowa (but an overall average of a 0.6% lead).

RCP Average12/26 - 12/2928.227.611.411.06.26.2Romney +0.6
Zogby12/26 - 12/29282911888Huckabee +1.0
American Res. Group12/26 - 12/28322311766Romney +9.0
Mason-Dixon12/26 - 12/282723131455Romney +4.0
Strategic Vision (R)12/26 - 12/272729141544Huckabee +2.0
Quad City Times12/26 - 12/27273481188Huckabee +7.0

Well Mikey boy, as the Lord giveth He taketh away thy lead (not that God would ever support a religious bigot who has a tainted past full of deceit anyway). Mitt has not only closed up the gap, but has even surpassed Huckabee (I guess by Huckabee's logic that means that God loves Romney more. It's about time that people realized that voting for Huckabee is the surest and fastest way to give Rudolph Giuliani the nomination. Listen to the following quotes from Huck's campaign manager regarding the fact that Huck and his team think that Reagan's conservative coalition is dead (taken from an article written by Elect Romney in 2008) after the jump:

Campaign Chairman Says Reagan Legacy “Doesn’t Mean A Whole Lot” “All along, Mitt Romney has wisely run as the only candidate who represents all three legs of the ‘three legged stool’ that is the Republican coalition. For those of us who believe it is imperative to preserve the Reagan coalition, Rollins’ pronouncement is almost an argument to vote for Mitt Romney.” – Townhall’s Matt Lewis (Matt Lewis, “Rollins: Reagan Coalition Is Done,” Townhall, Posted 12/29/07)

Gov. Huckabee’s Campaign Chairman Declared The Reagan Coalition Dead:
Gov. Huckabee’s Campaign Chair Ed Rollins: The Reagan Coalition Of Social, Fiscal, And Defense Conservatives “Doesn’t Mean A Whole Lot To People Anymore.” Huckabee Campaign Chairman Ed Rollins: “The breakup of what was the Reagan coalition — social conservatives, defense conservatives, anti-tax conservatives — it doesn’t mean a whole lot to people anymore.” (David Kirkpatrick, “Shake, Rattle And Roil The Grand Ol’ Coalition,” The New York Times, 12/30/07)

Rollins On The Reagan Coalition:
“It’s Gone.” “[Huckabee’s] success is setting off a debate in his party over whether his success marks the fading of the old Reaganite conservative coalition — social conservatives, anti-tax activists and advocates of a muscular defense — or, rather, offers a chance for its rejuvenation. ‘It’s gone,’ said Ed Rollins, who once worked as President Reagan’s political director and recently became Mr. Huckabee’s national campaign chairman.” (David Kirkpatrick, “Shake, Rattle And Roil The Grand Ol’ Coalition,” The New York Times, 12/30/07)

Rollins: Some Parts Of Reagan Coalition May “Go By The Wayside.” “‘It is a time for a whole new coalition — that is the key,’ he said, adding that some part of the original triad might ‘go by the wayside.’” (David Kirkpatrick, “Shake, Rattle And Roil The Grand Ol’ Coalition,” The New York Times, 12/30/07)

Huckabee is trying to destroy the most powerful coalition created by Republicans, which Ronald Reagan himself claimed would win time and time again against the Democrats. Notice the the democrats basically leave Huckabee alone, instead targeting Mitt Romney in their criticism? Hmmmmm....could they be trying to leave themselves low hanging fruit (Huck) to pick during the national election? They know as well as the rest of us that the conservative coalition is the only thing that can beat them and that Mitt Romney not only has the potential to unite it (because of his policies) but also has the desire to do so. The following quotes from the same site mentioned above support the fact that Mitt Romney not only believes in, but is trying to unite the three legged conservative stool together:

Gov. Romney Aims To Keep The Reagan Coalition United:
Townhall’s Matt Lewis: “Rollins’ Pronouncement Is Almost An Argument To Vote For Mitt Romney.” “All along, Mitt Romney has wisely run as the only candidate who represents all three legs of the ‘three legged stool’ that is the Republican coalition. For those of us who believe it is imperative to preserve the Reagan coalition, Rollins’ pronouncement is almost an argument to vote for Mitt Romney.” (Matt Lewis, “Rollins: Reagan Coalition Is Done,” Townhall, Posted 12/29/07)

National Review:

“Romney Is A Full-Spectrum Conservative.” “Our guiding principle has always been to select the most conservative viable candidate. In our judgment, that candidate is Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts. Unlike some other candidates in the race, Romney is a full-spectrum conservative: a supporter of free-market economics and limited government, moral causes such as the right to life and the preservation of marriage, and a foreign policy based on the national interest.” (Editorial, “Romney For President,” National Review, 12/11/07)

Gov. Mitt Romney:

We Need To Unite “Social Conservatives, Economic Conservatives And Defense Conservatives.”

“I believe that to win the White House that our candidate has to be somebody who can represent and speak for all three legs of the conservative stool or conservative coalition that Ronald Reagan put together – social conservatives, economic conservatives and defense conservatives.” (Gov. Mitt Romney, Press Availability, Grand Rapids, MI, 10/13/07)

As the Iowa primary rapidly approaches, many are realizing that Mitt is the only man who can win for the Republicans and save us all from higher taxes, inefficiency of government programs, weak border control and military against the war on terror, and an economy slipping into recession. Vote Mitt in 2008!

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