A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Only Republican Who Can Defeat the Democrats

Ronald Reagan said that that the Republican Party can put together a conservative movement that can win time and time again. This movement is commonly called the conservative coalition, which is made up of the three main types of conservatives: social conservatives, economic conservatives and foreign policy/defense conservatives. These three groups make up what he called the "three-legged stool". THE CONSERVATIVE COALITION.

Mitt Romney shares this same philosophy. He believes that Republicans need to stand united in order to ensure that conservatives have a say in how America is run. He has explained this concept many times, including during this interview he had with Fox News:


Of the three major candidates leading the polls for the Republican nomination, only Mitt Romney offers real appeal to all three legs of the stool.

Huckabee's views are attractive to social conservatives, but to economic and defense conservatives he falls severely short of representing their interests.

Giuliani is great for defense conservatives and decent to economic conservatives, but boasts extremely opposing views to social conservatives.

Romney is the perfect candidate to (and only one who can) represent all three. His platform outlines his goal of a strong economy, a strong military, and strong families. He experience and ideas have potential to strike a chord with the majority of conservatives, and therefore is the only candidate true potential to defeat the democrats. Even then, it will be a tough battle, but he is the only hope for the Republicans to win it.

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