Jim Cramer, the popular TV/Book stock market guru of America, endorsed Mitt Romney in a short interview with MSNBC. He told them that Mitt was "THE BEST businessman in North America" and would be hands-down the best candidate for the economy. Cramer believes that Romney would increase growth in American GDP and effectively compete against China. It is more than clear from the vast number of economic, wall street, and top business people supporting Mitt Romney that he would be the #1 man for the job as far as economic conservatives are concerned. Many agree that America's massive debt and economy, on the verge of recession, can use a healthy dose of Romney. But don't take it from me....take it from Jim Cramer after the jump.
THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS! I totally agree! Go Mitt!
So, how does Mittens and Co pay you? By the post? Weekly? What do I have to do to become a well paid ghost writer fabricating such drek?
ummm maple syrup is the only currency recognized internationally... I mean seriously, how else would you pay a bunch of beaver lovin seal protectors.
I'll take some maple syrup as well. Keep going Mitt. The news today about the american economy may help people really understand why they need Mitt for president. What happens to americans eventually effects Canadians as well. I have a vested interest in having a smart, well qualified, honest man serving as president. Mitt Romney for president.
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