A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Return of the Romney, and the Bursting of the Huckabubble

According to the Insider Advantage/Majority opinion poll, Romney is leading in the Iowa polls, as 28% of voters were "very likely" to vote for him and only 25% of the same crowd would vote for Huckabee. Here is the link: (*Note - look at the second table on the bottom to see the results for "very likely" voters)


Just like we've been saying for a while here at Canadians For Mitt, the Huckabee surge was just a fad, a one-hit-wonder if you will, and would fizzle away. It appears that this is happening earlier than we expected. Keep in mind that according to most polls, Huckabee is still ahead in Iowa, but his down trend will only continue as voters discover that he does not have the back to fit the burden of the presidency, as he is severely unqualified and the slimiest of all republican candidates.


Nealie Ride said...

Loved your story and images. I had to post them on our NY for Mitt and My Man Mitt sites.

I wanted to introduce you guys, our Canadian friends, to our readers. Your images are worth the trip over to your site. They're hilarious.

Suds said...

Thanks buddy... we appreciate the traffic. Whatever we can do to help Mitt. As much as Canadians love their political autonomy, we all know deep down that what goes on in the US affects us a lot.

Anonymous said...

Is Mittens really so desperate for support that he's resorting to such transparent and obvious astroturf tactics? Ron Paul the Spammer, Mittens the Astroturfer. Isn't ANYONE trying to run an honest campaign?