Watching the Democratic debate tonight, I realized three things:
First, I realized how much I disagree with some of the Democratic views expressed (it was more of a reaffirmation than a revelation). Conservatism, even though it doesn't seem so at first, is about hope. It is about lifting people up and giving them confidence and self-respect. To those who truly understand, it is far more merciful to people that liberalism.
Second, I was impressed with Barrack Obama's ability to not only listen to his opponent, but give her respect (at least at this particular debate). This is the polar opposite to McCain who only showed pure hatred, immaturity, lack of humility and inability to talk about the issues, instead evading tough questions by taking shots at Romney or stating who endorsed him. If Romney had an opponent like Obama (not Clinton, because she is much like McCain), imagine the debate. For once the issues would be discussed and voters would simply choose which stance they prefer. It would be an incredible discussion. As much as I disagree with Obama on a lot issues, at least he sticks to talking about them. Every time McCain is confronted with a tough question he never actually answers it. Like when he was asked about whether he would be good for the economy his answer was something like "well if I wasn't good why would Jack Kemp, Phil Graham, yadda, yadda endorse me". No John, we asked why YOU would be good for the economy, not who your friends are. Why the heck can't McCain answer a friggin' question? Evading the issue is a Huckabee technique, and it's definitely not straight talk by any standard. I think last night Republicans saw the real McCain, full of hate, pride and contempt, and were left with a bad taste in their mouths. He's like that delicious bubble gum that has a burst of flavour for about 10 seconds, then becomes tasteless, and eventually (after about a minute) just tastes nasty and hurts your teeth.
Third, and I know I've said this many times but, Romney is the only Republican with a shot at taking down Clinton or Obama. Common, does anyone really think that liberals will choose McCain (a half liberal) over a full out liberal like Obama or Clinton. No way! And since he doesn't appeal to the conservative base, this group might not show up for McCain at all. Who's he left with? A few moderates and independents. He'll get the support of a Ross Perot or a Nader. It may not seem like this is the case while looking at the polls right now, but the polls change drastically every week and aren't always very accurate anyway. Take away McCain's support from the media when they turn on him to endorse the Democrat nominee and who is left to fight for him. It certainly is not going to be the conservative radio hosts or grassroots groups that led Bush to victory, many of which currently support Romney. He will be like the child superstar who grew up and suddenly wasn't cute anymore, used to being a star, but sadly has been terribly forgotten. Make no mistake, Romney is the only hope for a conservative to become president. I really hope that Evangelicals will realize this, and also that a vote for Huckabee is a vote for McCain. They will help make or break Mitt's chances at a nomination.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
The Dems Debate Reaffirmed Why I support Romney and Conservatism
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