A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Tearing Apart the Conservative Coalition

Ronald Reagan created a conservative coalition that he claimed could beat the democrats in every single election. He realized that conservatives would win united or fall divided. Even though individuals are conservatives for various reasons, Reagan categorized conservatives into three major groups: Social Conservatives (concerned with morality issues such as abortion and gay marriage), Economic Conservatives (desiring prudent and minimal government spending, less taxes, and a thriving free market), and Foreign Policy / Defense Conservatives (concerned with border control, strong military, strong foreign policies to help the US). These groups still exist today and still have the potential to take on the democrats if they can be united under the banner of one candidate. The liberal media is aware of this and will use its power and influence to try and tear apart the coalition and strip it of its strength. But the Mainstream Media is only one of the four horsemen of the proverbial Conservative Coalition Apocalypse. There are three more: Mike Huckabee, John McCain, and Rudy Giuliani.

Today, my friend that knows I support for Mitt, said "hey, you're guy Romney is losing pretty bad isn't he?" Wow, that is so far from the truth it's crazy. Now I don't blame her for thinking that. Anyone who turns on CNN without reading the truth first would think the same. It's all doom and gloom reported for any candidate they see as a threat to the democrats. First they said Mitt Romney would be out of the race if he lost New Hampshire. He came second. Now they are saying he's out if he loses Michigan. They are so biased that it's hard to even call it news. The reality is that Mitt Romney is actually winning. He has the most delegates and the most votes. Here is the pure vote count:

Romney - 97,287 (29.8%)

McCain - 94,320 (28.9%)

Huckabee - 64,397 (19.7%)

Paul - 28,014 (8.6%)

Giuliani - 22,383 (6.9%)

Thompson - 18,464 (5.7%)

Hunter - 1,607 (0.5%)

Clearly the media is just trying to discourage Romney voters. But why would they do this to poor old Mitt? Rush Limbaugh (link) had some good insight when he said:

"The Drive-By Media would love to destroy the conservative coalition. They would love to destroy the conservative base to the Republican Party. That's why they are promoting Huckabee; it is why they are promoting McCain.

The Drive-By Media, ladies and gentlemen, will tell us each and every day who the true conservatives in the Republican primary are, and they will tell us by virtue of who they attack and also by virtue of who they prop up. They are propping up McCain; they are propping up Huckabee. The Drive-By Media hate conservatives. They want to destroy conservatism. It is the bulwark standing in their way of power and monopolistic control of all the apparatus of the country, government, media, and everything else. It's one of the best indicators I can offer you. If you're asking who is the genuine conservative out there or who is most conservative, who is most liberal on the Republican side, just take a look at who the Drive-Bys are enamored of and you will be able to answer the question yourself without me having to tell you. Why do you think that Senator McCain is making his big stand in New Hampshire? Because he did well there in 2000 and because he knows he runs really well with independents. He knows that New Hampshire is not a big conservative state.

This is based on truth, and it is in fact truth: the media are out to break up conservatives. I was instant messaging with F. Lee last night, and to me, there is no question. I spent this weekend in intense study of what's going on up there. I watched more political TV this weekend than I have watched probably in the last six months. My instincts were confirmed: Media are out to break up conservatives, dispirit us, destroy us, destroy the Republican coalition of the evangelicals; the social and fiscal conservatives; they're out to destroy that."

The Media would love for Mike Huckabee to win, because he would hand an easy win over the democrats in the general election and the Evangelical voters would finally lose their power. Huckabee breaks up the coalition as he does not represent the fiscal and defense conservatives. McCain and Giuliani don't appeal to social conservatives and McCain is also weak on immigration. These are the ones (especially Huck and McCain) that the democrats can't praise enough. It makes you wonder, why would they praise Republicans? Gee, that's sort of strange, but proves that Rush is on the money with his views.

The problem is that many Americans rely on the news as their sole source of information regarding the election, so unfortunately it has a much greater influence on their decisions than it should. But if Mitt continues to show a strong first or second in each state, through the vote of informed conservatives, he will win the nomination and go on to be the strongest Republican candidate to face the either Obama or Clinton.

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