Iowa, can we talk?
What happens there on January 3rd has huge ramifications on the Republican party, the nomination, the election. New Hampshire is watching, the country is watching, and the world is watching.
This is WAY too important to vote based on anything less than “Who is the best candidate to do the job, taking into consideration his qualifications, experience, and record”
The choice you make tomorrow could start a chain of events that could lead America (and ultimately the world) down two very different paths; one towards positive change and a promising future and one with very negative implications.
The Republican party has stood for life, traditional marriage and strong families. These are among many important values that hangs in the balance.
If Huckabee cons enough voters and wins, or even pulls off a close second, his victory could seal the deal for a Giuliani nomination, which means that the morality issues that mean so much to Republicans will be forgotten and a pro-choice candidate will represent the GOP!
To the point … Am I the only one who has had just about enough of Huckabee’s crap! (*Note - The following rant is in no particular order and does not include all the points I had wished to make).
I am sick of Huckabee whining about the money Romney has spent in Iowa. MIKE, call it what you want, but the rest of us call it a strategy, spreading the good news, and just plain common sense. This is an election, and a candidate’s ability to raise money shows, in part, how well he will do in the nationals. He was pretty much unknown and needed to get his message out. Just because you can throw out the “Christian leader” image and expect every Evangelical to line up and support you regardless of your actual performance and political ability, doesn’t mean that others have such luxuries. Because of much religious bigotry, Mitt has to work many times harder than the rest and spend more mone
y to help others see past his religion (which should never be an issue in the first place) and view him for the quality leader his is.
I am tired of hearing people say that Huckabee is so likeable. His likeability is in the eye of the beholder. It seems that every single day we are introduced to some other controversy that involved him in his service Arkansas governor. It seems as if there is going to be more skeletons found in his closet than were found in the Cambodian Killing Fields. Questionable state appointments, pardons/clemency based on donations, cover-ups while his son was investigated for brutally murdering an innocent dog, receiving lavish gifts by taking advantage of his title and authority, and destroying hard drives when leaving office that documented his incompetence are just a few of the stunts that Huckabee has pulled.
Governor Huckabee claims to be a unifier but, he is quite the opposite. He states openly that Evangelicals should support him whether or not he is the best candidate. His “Don’t Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers” stunt with a reporter while claiming to know nothing about Mormonism is pure garbage! What does this say about his character if he expects us to believe that he knows nothing about Mormonism, yet he was the keynote speaker at a Baptist Convention in Salt Lake City back in 1998. Who is he fooling, the American voter now, or all the Baptists that attended the convention then? Was he just making stuff up or did he indeed know? Either way Mike, it doesn’t come off as honest. He claims that he is the victim of negative ad campaigns, which Romney states are accurate (not trying to hide what he’s doing), yet he’s been trying so hard to take negative shots at Romney but still look like he’s the good guy. Was his comment in the ad he decided not to run about Mitt’s dishonesty really just describing himself?! Dividing the party along religious lines is dangerous.
And about that press conference, he must feel that voters severely lack intelligence. I find it insulting that he thinks people are stupid enough not to see that the whole thing was a sad attempt to get the media to do his dirty work, while he looks like the nice guy. If Huck gains the world and loses his soul, he profiteth not voters and the respect of intelligent people everywhere. It’s one thing to pull a stunt like that, but it’s another to do it and then act as God’s political protégé. I bet God is shaking his head at Huck’s desperate antics.
Huck’s apparent grasp of foreign policy is a complete façade. His constant charade demonstrates his mastery of the art that the Iranian government perfected, namely fanning the fire behind the scenes and yet claiming to the world that they are trying to help.
Perhaps next time an opponent states a difference in policy or practice, or Huck is asked a searching question about an important issue, maybe he should actually state his stance and plans for action, instead of a semi-funny one-liners or stupid comments. It might help for people understand his positions, not just that he is capable of evading them through humour. Maybe he should change his name to Duckabee (as in ‘duck’ the issues).
It seems fitting that Huck is going on Jay Leno tonight so he can joke around and have a few laughs. His rise in the polls is anything but laughable though.
I just saw him talking to a crowd in Iowa saying something to the effect “if you will vote for me and I win, it will go down in history as a huge shock”. In other words, vote for him because, well, wouldn’t it be cool to make history. Ironically, his words are, in a way, an ad against him. Why would it be such a shock if Huck won - BECAUSE HE SHOULDN’T EVEN BE CLOSE TO THE TOP! Even he seems shocked. Hello!!! If the candidate is shocked that he won, shouldn’t that tell you something right there.
Iowa, you know who the real conservative is. The candidate who should come away from Iowa with the win is the same and only runner in the race that can take the fight to the Democrats in the general election. He is the only one who can unite all types of conservatives together. Face it, the Mitt fits.
Eh? . . . Huckabee won?! Iowans picked flash over substance. However, this is just one of many battle. I am positive that Mitt will do well in the other states and go on to win the nomination.
Hello, eh?
After outspending Huckabee by an outrageous margin, your man Mitt found that the voters of Iowa, in the end, could not be bought. Nor could they be fooled by a man who oozes insincerity from every pore.
After all the wasted money, and after all the weeks of relentless Huckabee bashing by people like you, your man doesn’t simply get beaten, he gets hammered, crushed. It was like a fight between the schoolyard bully and a 98 pound weakling that ends with the bully suffering a hellacious beat down. Of course the flaw in that analogy is that it is really Romney who is the weakling—a moral weakling, that is. After 7 years of Bush, Americans are used to being lied to and taken for fools. But it seems that they can’t stomach smarmy insincerity; given that this is the stock in trade of the Romney candidacy, therein lies the problem for the plastic man from Massachusetts.
You Romney folks are right about at least one thing, however. Huckabee is indeed a flawed candidate; if nominated it’s hard for me to believe that he has a chance in hell of winning the general election. Most Americans are far too open minded for the over-the-top super-Christianity that seemed to play well with the self-styled moralists in Iowa. But in your frantic search for Huckabee’s flaws as a candidate, the thing that you folks continue to ignore is Romney’s obvious flaws as a human. The ethical and moral lapses, combined with his peculiar penchant for just plain lying, all the while portraying himself as the wholesome candidate of truth, justice and the American way…well in the end even the Republicans who continue to deny themselves the truth about the Bush Administration could not be fooled by Mitt.
So now it’s on to New Hampshire where Mitt is already backpedaling furiously in an attempt to lower expectations. What’s clear, however, is that if the people of New Hampshire see Romney as clearly as Iowans did, all your frantic attempts to discredit Huckabee and McCain will be fruitless. It’s about Mitt now; people don’t trust him, they don’t believe him, they don’t like him. No amount of Huckabee and McCain bashing by the frantic legions of Romney supporters will obscure these simple facts…Mitt’s moral and ethical dwarfism will, in the end, doom him. Evidence, it seems, that primary voters are not as stupid as you and Mitt take them for. The system works!
Have a nice day
Hey Phil,
I like the fact that Romney is a self-made millionaire. It shows that he knows something about economics and running large corporations profitably. At a time when the US economy is starting to head down, they need someone that can turn it around. If the US economy heads south, the Canadian economy will soon follow. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Another thing about having lots of money, is that Romney doesn’t owe anything to special interest groups, unlike Huckabee who is always helping his “friends”.
As far as wasting money, Romney raised most of it, he should be able to spent it on his campaign. The real question you should ask yourself is “Why doesn’t Huckabee have money to waste? Where are all his cash supporters?” You will need large financial backing to go against the Democrats. Secondly, I think that Romney has used the money very wisely. He had gone from 5% (01/07) in the polls to the mid 30's (08/07). Romney is very systematic in his approach to the early states. Where ever he puts money into, his poll numbers go up. When I last looked: Romney - 28 Delegates, Huckabee - 20 Delegates. And Romney is going to pick up a lot more then Huckabee in NH, you can count on it.
As for Bush, he has kept America and Canada free from terrorists on our soils for the last 6 years. He has kept the economy up when it should have taken a nose dive. You may not like him, but give him his dues!
Finally, about Romney’s morals. Are you judging him based on what he said in the past or by his actions? Are his actions louder then his words? If you are judging by actions, Romney’s are by far superior to Huckabee’s or McCain’s. We will know what the people of NH think in two days.
Happy New Year, ah!
Phil made some good points, even though I didn't agree with him on everything. I for one, will never say that Mitt Romney is perfect. He does come across a bit plastic at times and he doesn't have the same warmth of personality of some of the other candidates. But you know what, you can find personality flaws in ANY candidate, Republican or Democrat. It's the issues that matter, and Mitt Romney has an action plan for everything. Other candidates SAY they want CHANGE, but never tell us how we are going to get it. This is why I like Mitt, not because of his likability, or according to you, lack thereof. If it was a popularity contests based on good speeches and whoever SOUNDS the most sincere, Huckabee or Obama would win. But we are talking about the well-being of America here, not a high school election where the biggest issues is the placement location of new vending machines. Mitt's record of success, not only in his public service, but also in his private life lead me to believe that he has what it takes to make the positive change that America needs. Thank you for you opinion. It seemed objective (although a bit angry)....I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.
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