A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Latest Rasmussen Poll Looks Promising For Romney

Not only does the latest poll conducted by Rasmussen show Mitt Romney leading Florida with 33% over McCain with 27%, but it gets even better when only conservative voters are polled, with Romney at 42%, almost doubling the next candidate, McCain, at only 22%. This is an integral stat, since only Republicans are allowed to vote in the Florida caucuses, unlike some of the other open primaries.

Looking at the issues specifically, here are the polling results:

Those concerned with the economy most - Romney 37%, McCain 33%
Those concerned with national security/war in Iraq most - Romney 31%, McCain 31%
Those who are concerned with immigration most - Romney 63%, McCain 7%

The poll also revealed Romney as the candidate that voters thought to be the most electable, with 76% saying they believe him to be somewhat likely to win the White House if nominated. McCain was next in line with 68%. Interestingly, last week both were at 69%, so public approval of McCain has dropped and has risen for Romney.

So a bit of my own analysis here. Why oh why is John McCain dropping the polls? Hmmmm.... let's see ... I would guess that the number one reason is because ... hmmm, what could it be ... oh yes, because he's a filthy liar. Even CNN, who absolutely adores John McCain (and they will until he's got the nomination and then they'll turn on him as planned and help the Dems crush him) admitted that he's been lying this past week. Here's a clip:

McCain does anything but "straight talk". He lies, he flip-flops, he flips out, and he makes himself look like a complete tool in interviews and during public debates. He is a bitter individual that wants to win the White House to fulfill his own selfish ambitions and prove to himself that he's not an absolute failure (having lost in presidential races so many times).

Good thing that more and more people in Florida, and all over America, are seeing him for what he really is: a fraud, and not a genuine conservative. Romney is the only serious shot the Republicans have at winning the presidency and the only candidate who can mae the changes needed in America today.

1 comment:

Lon Gibson said...

Romney is wiping the floor with his rivals, and soon the media will no longer be able to ignore him.

Check out the video for my new campaign song for Romney.

Gimme Mitt!

Mitt Romney for President!