A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mitt Places Gold in the Silver State

Mitt Romney wins another Gold medal in Nevada with more than 50% of the vote, absoulutely overshadowing the next closest candidate. We shall see what happens tonight in South Carolina, but this is a major win for Mitt in the Silver State. With more delegates at stake there (34, 3 of which are unpledged), and only 24 in South Carolina, many think that Mitt's strategy could pay off. I recently read an article from the Boston Globe entitled "Lower Profile, But More Delegates", touching upon why Romney concentrating on Nevada instead of S.C could pay off. Here is an exerpt.

"While his main rivals slugged it out yesterday across South Carolina, fighting for an edge in today's hotly contested primary, Mitt Romney hopscotched around Nevada, angling to win a lower-profile contest today that could bring a bigger reward.

Focusing on Nevada and downplaying South Carolina is a gamble, but one that appeared more savvy yesterday with the publication of a new poll indicating that Romney has a 15-percentage-point lead.

Romney says he is focused not on the glory of winning a major battle in the first Southern primary, but on the less glamorous task of collecting the delegates needed to win the nomination at the Republican National Convention in September. South Carolina, he frequently points out, awards just 24 delegates to Nevada's 31.

"I want the nomination," Romney, who has been in Nevada since Thursday, said during a campaign stop at the Claim Jumper restaurant in Henderson. "I'm not just looking for a gold star on the forehead."

On to Florida!

1 comment:

ZeGear said...

I want Mitt to win so much I've made a stylish shirt design especially for women to show their support. I call it my "Romney Chick" shirt...


Good luck Mitt, I'll be voting for you!