A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Romney Owns Unprofessional Journalist Glenn Johnson

South Carolinians For Romney did an excellent article and posted a link to this video, showing an ignorant journalist, Glenn Johnson, accusing Mitt Romney of having Washington lobbyists. Mitt shows us yet another reason why he is the best person to be the next president. He handles the media extremely well, even though they have an unhealthy, unfair, and un-called-for biased against him (and all true conservatives). To read the rest of the article, visit Carolinians For Romney.


Anonymous said...

How can any conservative vote for Romney?

He was listed as one of the top ten Republicans in Name Only by Human Events Magazine.


What will he be after the primary?

And would he be another George Bush if he gets elected?

Apart from that as an American I am very offended that any foreigner would try to influence the American Presidential election.

Canadians would be offended I am sure with a blog supporting or opposing any of their political candidates.

Regardless who wins the Primaries or the Presidential elections, it will be AMERICANS who will decide the matter. Please have the courteousness please have the decency to stay out of it.

Suds said...

Well, I would stay out of it if what went on in the United States didn't affect us and the rest of the world so much. Take the recent credit crunch that happened in the US. Do you really think that it only affected American markets. You bet it your booty it didn't. The Canadian markets suffered too, even though we have more prudent lending practices that the Americans. I will support whoever I want, when I want, because it affects me. Yes, Mitt Romney is conservative. Visit Rush Limbaugh's, a conservative die-hard, site and you can read all about it. The only major non-conservative candidates in the race are McCain and Huckabee. And no, Romney wouldn't be another Bush. He has shown that he listens to other people, ANALYZES, then acts. I'm sorry that HUMAN EVENTS MAGAZINE says otherwise. I guess I didn't realize that magazine is the be-all end-all of the conservative world. If you are going to bash Romney and our support for him, do it on your own blog. You have the right of free speech, and so do I. Thank you for using it, but please use it somewhere else (I'm asking you). Of course, it is YOUR choice, as it's your right.

Suds said...

Wait a minute, maybe the anonymous comment was from Glenn Johnson himself trying to defend his extremely unprofessional demeanor. I sure hope so.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work suds!
This is the 1st MR blog I visit every day because it's always up-to-date. I wouldn't care what country it was from, but I'm glad it's from our newly conservative friend to the North! When MR is elected his presidency will have a positive impact on the whole world, not just the U.S.---

USWebPro said...

How dare Glen point that Mitt was using a play on words. We should all site back watch Fox news and play dumb.

Al said...

The problem isn't that Glen pointed out what he thought was the ultimate *zing* the problem was that he was heckling instead of reporting. A journalist is supposed to be critical when reporting, but you don't try and pick a fight during someone's presentation... that makes you a ron paul supporter, not a journalist.

Glen Johnson thought he had a point, fine, Romney disagree's based on a number of points he underlined, then as soon as Glen tells Romney he means something else, during a presentation or whatever it was (why he was at staples I don't know) was when he crossed the line to schmuck-ville.