It seems these days that John McCain has been getting all the juicy endorsements, or at least all the ones from moderate conservatives like Schwarzenegger and Giuliani. He also is heavily endorsed by the liberal mainstream media, including the NY Times. Due to his new found popularity, many consider him a shoe-in for the nomination. I'm sorry folks. This race is over. Nothing to see here. Just go home.....
HEY! Just wait a minute though ... if all these people are endorsing Johnny boy, who is endorsing Romney? Well the answer is not as obvious, because unlike Arnold, they didn't star in movies with huge explosions and poor acting. Unbeknownst to many Americans is the huge conservative movement, made up of conservative radio talk shows, extremely popular bloggers, and even a few major TV spots. The vast majority of these are endorsing Romney and ripping on McCain. Even those that don't officially endorse Romney still vehemently oppose McCain.
Seemingly overnight, a battle has begun between the MSM and the Conservative talk shows/columnists/bloggers. It seems like every few hours a major conservative name jumps on board for Romney. I believe that this battle is just part of the war that will go on well past Super Tuesday.
Here are some of the key players (feel free to leave a comment and link to any others I did not list).
Hugh Hewitt - Wholeheartedly endorses Romney at his huge blog
Mark Levin - National Review Online Writer - Supports Romney, despises McCain. He recently wrote an article entitled "Rally For Romney", and it's one of the best articles I've read in a while.
Rick Santorum - Former Republican senator in Pennsylvania, considered a very strong social and fiscal conservative, and a contributor on Fox News. Endorsed Romney today on Laura Ingraham's show.
Ann Coulter - is an American attorney, conservative columnist, political commentator and best-selling author, known for her irony and sarcasm, who said:
"I’ve been casually taking swipes at Mitt Romney for the past year based on the assumption that, in the end, Republicans would choose him as our nominee. My thinking was that Romney would be our nominee because he is manifestly the best candidate.
I had no idea that Republican voters in Iowa and New Hampshire planned to do absolutely zero research on the candidates and vote on the basis of random impulses.
Dear Republicans: Please do one-tenth as much research before casting a vote in a presidential election as you do before buying a new car…
The candidate Republicans should be clamoring for is the one liberals are feverishly denouncing. That is Mitt Romney by a landslide…
At worst, Romney will turn out to be a moderate Republican – a high-IQ, articulate, moral, wildly successful, moderate Republican. Of the top five Republican candidates for president, Romney is the only one who hasn’t dumped his first wife (as well as the second, in the case of Giuliani) – except Huckabee. And unlike Huckabee, Romney doesn’t have a son who hanged a dog at summer camp.
Sean Hannity - Host of talk radio's The Sean Hannity Show"I'll tell you right now, and I've not announced this, but I will be voting for Mitt Romney in this campaign. It's the first time I've stated it publicly. I'll state it now." ("Sean Hannity Radio Show," 1/31/08
Glenn Beck - Runs CNN's the Glenn Beck Program, doesn't think that McCain is a Rebublican
Michael Reagan - Ronald Reagan's son. Hasn't officially endorsed Romneys, but despises McCain
Rush Limbaugh - Again hasn't officially endorsed Romney, but rips McCain every day!
Dan Riehl - Hugely popular blogger know for his humour and wit
"Romney has realized the base sees him as the consensus candidate, flaws and all. He spoke as an outsider crashing the gate. That's precisely what the Republican Party needs in the Fall, especially given a decade or two of dissembling conservatism and corrupt DC pols. Romney has proved to be the most analytical, yet nimble campaigner in a bizarre primary year.
"His campaign has displayed a competence unmatched by any other, despite how various state-wide votes, often counting on moderates and all but Northeastern liberals, turned out. Such competence was not the case with McCain. He bankrupted his campaign early. Why should we trust him to not do the same with the nation?
"More than any other candidate, Romney has displayed a determination to win while playing politics; yet, stopping short of slinging mud, or outright lies. After Florida, John McCain cannot say the same. Does character no longer matter to conservatives? Have we come to that? If so, I'll pass."
Mark Tapscott - Editorial Page Editor for the Washington Examiner
An exerpt from article "Is Romney the 'real' Florida GOP primary winner?":
"PREDICTION: McCain is now established as the clear front runner and that means he will soon experience a depth of analysis and critique from the mainstream media and the Right side of the Blogosphere that he has never before had to endure.
Two things will follow: First, the more typical Republican voters know about McCain's views, the less likely they will be to vote for him, and, second, as this process become more evident, McCain's legendary temper will manifest itself in ways that are extremely damaging to him.
Result? It is quite conceivable that McCain will self-destruct and Romney will win the GOP presidential nomination."
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