A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Huckabee? No Seriously!

I guess I just don’t get the whole Mike Huckabee thing. He keeps moving up in some polls and now Iowa has him leading by 22 points over Romney according to a just released poll by Newsweek. WHY? What is his big appeal? He raised taxes to the tune of 500 million dollars and I hate that tune. His catch and release program for Arkansas's criminals would be laughable were it not so sad. When asked to explain his surge in the recent polls he says it is by the grace of God. You mean your record, your platform your values had nothing to do with it. You bet they didn’t (except for the values, I’ll give him that). Then, when asked by Don Imus the other morning about his lack of foreign policy credentials, Mike Huckabee joked: “And the ultimate thing is, you know, I may not be the expert as some people on foreign policy – but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.” (WABC Radio, 12/04/07) Add to this the fact he expects every Evangelical to vote for him for no other reason than he is also an Evangelical. I don’t get the dodge the questions, forget my record but, vote for me game plan. But, it seems to be working? Remember good people of Iowa, is this the most competent person to lead the nation as Commander and Chief for the next 4 year stint during arguably the most challenging times in recent memory. Mike you can run but you cannot hide (your skeletons in the closet, your lack of policy, your record on taxes, immigration, violent criminals…).

I may be wrong with my assessment of Mike Huckabee but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


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