A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Maybe Huckabee should consider a career in comedy instead of politics!

This guy is a walking joke! He is making a complete fool of himself, as well as a mockery of issues that are important to Americans. The guy must think that this election is to become student body president of an elementary school that only bases their votes on popularity and clever little slogans. Check out his latest add portraying his revolutionary new idea on how to keep the border safe.

That's right, Chuck Norris is the answer! What an absolute tool! Watch him next week when he does an add wearing a T-shirt that says "Vote for Pedro", and possibly even graces us with a Napoleon Dynamite-esque dance routine at the next major debate. After his little joke he didn't even explain what his actual plan to secure the border was, he just left it in the hands of Chuck Norris. I can't even begin to fathom why anyone would vote for this guy. I think I need an Advil. He has no real appeal to any logical, sane and honest person (but, hey he's not Mormon so he must be good right?). The sad thing is that America has real issues that need to be dealt with and people are actually considering voting for a guy who obviously takes them lightly. Here is a good joke that Mike Huckabee could use to get mathematicians on his side (it took me as long to think of as it did to form his campaign platform).

Huck + Chuck = Sucks (Clever I know, but about as funny as Mike Huckabee's sad attempt at winning an election through high school popularity contest tactics). I only think it's fair that if Mitt Romney has to address his religion that Mike Huckabee should address his lack of tact and stupidity. If Huckabee wins, I'm moving to Mongolia!

By the way, here is Romney's rebuttal to this ad:

1 comment:

Nealie Ride said...

I love Canada, this site, and this story.

I'm pleased you guys are with us in getting Mitt into the White House.

I believe I mentioned this before, but my parents were born in Canada. They've always been loyal to their mother country.