A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Huckabee's recent success is just a "surge" says Romney

Just as the sea's waves violently crash against a protective wall during a fierce storm, so do Mitt Romney's opponents rise in the polls and seemingly out-muscle his campaign's success. Fortunately, once a wave crashes into the wall, however tumultuous its temporary effect may be, it is always deflected, only to retreat back to the turbulent sea, quickly replaced by the next big wave. When the storm finally calms, the waves lose their former vigor and all that remains is the wall. In a recent interview, Romney labeled his opponents' success not as waves, but as "surges" and claimed that they too come fiercely but quickly dwindle away.

When ABC interviewed a few of the Republican candidates, this is what they had to say:

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., suggested Huckabee's recent success in Iowa led Romney to make the "Faith" speech.

"He [Huckabee] knows there's a strong voting bloc in Iowa that call themselves 'Christian conservatives,'" McCain said. "He's always been trying to appeal to them. I saw some of his mailers, stuff out there. I think that Huckabee's rise in the polls has clearly had an impact on a lot of people's strategic thinking."

Not so, Romney told ABC News.

"I have been through a couple of surges now. First was the McCain surge, then the Giuliani surge, and then the Fred Thompson surge, and now it's the Mike Huckabee surge. And in the past, what's happened is, when the surge occurs, people look more closely at the record of the vision of the person running … and inevitably the surge kinda deflates. I think you will see the same thing here. I sure hope so."

I agree with Mitt. All that the recent popularity of Mike Huckabee has done is bring him into the limelight and put him under the microscope for public examination. Once the public sees him for what he really his, a sub-par-mediocre-at-best candidate, they will dump him for the next flavour of the week, just as they have done in the past with all the others. Romney possesses real substance, integrity, experience, and solid leadership attributes. Voters will see this if they give him a fair chance.

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