A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Simple Math - A vote for Huckabee = A vote for Giuliani

Although I have already spoken about this topic in my post titled "Will Evangelicals Play Checkers or Chess?", I read a very poignant article on the site "Evangelicals for Mitt" that essentially explains why Evangelicals should be very careful how they vote, especially in the first three states, because if they vote for Mike Huckabee, they are basically handing the Republican nomination to Giuliani (who knows, maybe the two are colluding to be president and vice president). Anyways, here is the link:


1 comment:

CallCreative said...

Hi. Thank you for the comment you made on my site regarding the speech made by Mitt Romney. I am in awe and amazement at your site! I absolutely love it! I have read some of your topics and am pleased with what I read. One issue regarding China that you may decide to add...Hillary Clinton and her ties to China...her campaign finances 80% came from China and her policy "reforms" are socialist which = 50% (at least) higher taxes...the French are trying to get away from these same "reforms" she is trying to introduce. Anyway...keep in touch...I am now on the FOR ROMNEY band-wagon. Thanks again for your comment. -NatashaCall http://issuesoncall.blogspot.com