A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Huckabee's son...a chip off the old block

What do Mike Huckabee's son and Mike Vick have in common. You guessed it, they both kill dogs in their free time. This article explains how Mike Huckabee's son got fired from a scout camp for brutally killing an innocent stray dog. It's almost as bad as letting convicted murderers back into society to kill again (but people, not dogs). Wait a go Mike! For a more detailed account of Huck's son's cruelty click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The behavior of the children usually tells a lot about the parents. But in this case, what is more telling is what Mike Huckabee did after.

"John Bailey, then the director of Arkansas's state police, tells NEWSWEEK that Governor Huckabee's chief of staff and personal lawyer both leaned on him to write a letter officially denying the local prosecutor's request. Bailey, a career officer who had been appointed chief by Huckabee's Democratic predecessor, said he viewed the lawyer's intervention as improper and terminated the conversation."

"Seven months later, he was called into Huckabee's office and fired. 'I've lost confidence in your ability to do your job,' Bailey says Huckabee told him. One reason Huckabee cited was 'I couldn't get you to help me with my son when I had that problem,' according to Bailey."

If Mike has used his high office as Governor to impede the law, and punish persons that ‘done him wrong’, do we ready want him to have a higher office ?? Sounds like we should elect him to be Godfather instead.