A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Murderers and Illegal Aliens for Mike Huckabee!

I don't usually post stuff from pro-Huck sites, but these ones were really convincing.

From murderers for Huckabee:
"I don't know about the rest of you, but I am voting for Huck in the upcoming election. He is the MAN! I mean, I killed a few people and it looked like I'd be in jail for a long time, well at least until that saint Mike Huckabee gave me a get out of jail free card. Heck, all I had to tell him is that I was a Christian and he got me a criminal pardon. It sure pays to be religious! I plan to kill a few more people now that I'm out, but I'm not worried because if Huck becomes president, I'll just tell him that I've been born again and I'm as good as free. So, if you're considering a hanus crime, vote Huckabee cause he'll hook you up (it helps if you're the same religion as him)!"

From illegal aliens for Huckabee:

"Huckabee as president is my dream. If he gets elected in I'm gonna tell all my friends to sneak over the border. I mean, Chuck Norris can only guard one part of it at a time! Plus, the best part of it is that when they get here, good old Huck will hook them up with jobs and funding for school, even if it means that taxpayers have to pay more and that American citizens lose out. What a guy! I can't think of a better deal than Huck's."

Obviously, from these new findings, I grossly misjudged Huck!

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