A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It Looks Like McCain’s Straight Talk Express Made A Surprise Stop in BSville

How much more double talk, lies and deceit are we supposed to take from John McCain before we stop hearing how much of an honest “straight talker” he is (about as straight as a question mark … and no, not in that way)? When will we start hearing the truth that he claims to ALWAYS tell? McCain, like Huckabee, keeps getting a free pass whenever something negative comes up about him, mostly due to the left-wing media loving him (aka – setting either him or Huck up to get demolished by the Dems in the nationals).

The media, for the most part, simply ignores these stories and talks about what a great candidate he is. They say just a few negative things about him, enough to convince the public that they are not biased (which is a bold-face lie).

Yesterday the straight talker McCain who, according to…..hmmmm, let’s see….oh ya, HIMSELF (the guy who ripped Mitt up for making ‘negative’ ads), send out negatives mailers in South Carolina accusing Mitt Romney of not supporting president Bush’s tax cuts early enough (even though he himself VOTED AGAINST those same tax cuts and even told Tim Russert last week that he was proud of his vote). As Joe Scarborough said “this smells of DIRTY POLITICS and DIRTY CAMPAIGNING!” Not to mention that the mailer contains several misleading claims (click here to see them). So much for straight talk “my friends” ("my friends" is something McCain say about every 3 seconds in his speeches).

The other thing I don’t understand is why McCain would attack Romney, who is actually polling fourth in SC? Why would you attack a competitor running fourth? I thought the media said that Mitt Romney was done after Iowa and then again New Hampshire (note -they were just kidding about Iowa). Well the answer is that his attacks wouldn’t make sense, unless … he is an angry, ill-tempered, cranky old man who is seriously hating on someone. I mean, wouldn’t it make more sense to target the other frontrunners (like Huckabee for example – oh wait – I forgot, he’s practically your boyfriend)? I guess the city of Common Senseville is one place the straight talk express didn’t visit.

So what are we to make of his changes and repeated lies on immigration and taxes? John the way you describe the immigration thing still sounds like amnesty to most people. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.

I guess it all boils down to this: If one of the BIG reasons people are supporting John McCain is that he is “honest” and is a “straight talker”, they really need to do their homework because, to the non-ignorant, McCain is being less than honest with people and to believe otherwise, well, your only fooling yourself and you must be an absolute McCainiac.


sheila said...

i'm a candian who supports romney. the most important aspect for the election is the econmy. romney has the most experience in this field.

romney is bright, articulate, looks healthy, not geriatric and not liberal like mccain.

he can easily beat billary or obama.

Suds said...

Thanks for your support Sheila. I agree with what you said. I definitely think the democrats will be a tough crowd to beat this time around, but if there is any Republican who can do it, it's Romney. Where are you from in Canada by the way?