A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

McCain - A Sore Loser

Can I speak bluntly with you guys? Thanks. John McCain is REALLY starting to get on my nerves. He is SUCH a sore loser, SUCH a big baby, SUCH a friggin' angry man, and can't graciously accept defeat.

In his speech tonight after losing Michigan to Mitt Romney, McCain congratulated him on his victory, just as Mitt humbly did for McCain in New Hampshire. However, his congrats didn't come without a negative a negative jab attached, as he attributed Romney's success to being the "native son" of Michigan. That is complete B.S if I've ever heard it, and ironic, because John McCain's success can only be attributed to democrats and independents pulling for him in N.H. The real reason that Romney won is because he cares about what Michigan (and America for that matter) needs and wants and is basing his platform around it (when you listen to the people John, that called de-moc-rac-y .... do you need me to talk slower for you?) Mitt focused on the economy (currently the number one issue in America) and other important issues and his message simply resonated with voters...End of story...none of this "native son" crapola. Hugh Hewitt reported these numbers from tonight and more on his website:

  • Romney won conservatives 41-23%, with 20% for Huckabee. ALMOST DOUBLE
  • Romney won Republicans 41-27%. AGAIN ALMOST DOUBLE
  • Romney won Evangelicals 34-29% for Huckabee. McCain took just 23%. WOW, EVEN AFTER HUCK ASKED EVERY PASTOR IN MICHIGAN TO GET THEIR CONGREGATIONS TO VOTE FOR HIM.

  • It looks to me like Romney won with Republican voters again, just as he did in New Hampshire (remember who voted in McCain - that's right, the independents)

    So who voted for the other guys tonight?

    • McCain won pro-choice voters 39-35%. CAUSE HE'S BASICALLY HALF LIBERAL
    • He won among those who never attend church by 11 points — 39-28. HE DOESN'T FAIR WELL WITH THE RELIGIOUS VOTE
    • The “architect of the surge” won with Iraq war disapprovers 36-29. BECAUSE HE'S A FLIP-FLOPPER ON THE ISSUES
    Hugh said "Cue the fat lady for Huck and McCain. The former can’t get above 15% with a huge effort, and McCain can’t win in an open primary state, one crucial to the fall, even when the Dems take a bye?"

    It looks like McCain and Huckabee's love affair might have to end, as their tag-team effort against Romney just ended up making them look like complete fools (they remind me of the two burglars on Home Alone that get absolutely smoked by the kid). Plus, South Carolina is a key state for both of them and they are both in each other's way. They will be two hungry dogs fighting over the same bowl. Although I'd hate to see them break up, as it's just getting entertaining, it's inevitable. They are probably on the phone right now "Mikey, baby, this just isn't working out"..."Ya, Johnny, you've change, you're not the influential man you used to be".

    Bottom line, Mitt won tonight, fair and square, and McCain has the right to shut his jealous yapper until he can actually pull out some real Republicans and Conservatives to vote for him on a consistent basis. Remember Johnny boy, this is the REPUBLICAN NOMINATION you are going for. One positive thing about McCain and Huck though is that they will make a great villains for Mitt's "How I became president" story.

    Great article Dave! I just wanted to add that in leading up to the election McCain was down playing Romney’s connection to Michigan as if he (McCain) had a bigger connection. He said during an interview on his bus that he was on an automotive industry committee and so on and added that Mitt hasn’t lived in Michigan since he was a kid years ago. Now he credits that shallow connection as being the main reason Mitt won. You can’t have it both ways Johnny boy if you want to ride the straight talk express.-Ken

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