A blog for America's neighbour to the north that support Mitt Romney and what he stands for. As the U.S.'s closest friend and ally Canada is greatly affected by U.S. policy and politics.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Republican Race Update - Mitt Leads On Delegate Scoreboard

John McCain won the New Hampshire Republican primary tonight with 37% of the vote. Mitt Romney came in a strong second with 32%, followed by Huckabee with 11%. Some view Romney's second place as a disappointment, but he is still far from out of the race. Actually, quite the opposite. He has won two silver medals and one gold. No other candidate ranks higher as of yet. Here is the current deligate count (what really matters):

  • Romney - 30
  • Huckabee - 21
  • McCain - 10
  • Thompson - 6
  • Paul - 2
  • Hunter - 1
  • Giuliani – 1
The left wing media acts as if Mitt Romney has already lost, but this is only because they fear he can beat the democrats. This is what Rush Limbaugh, political guru, said about the matter (provided by Michiganders for Mitt).

"Conservative talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, addressed a misguided notion coming out of the Beltway/Manhattan Media Elite:

Now they’re saying if Romney finishes second, he’s finished. How can that be? How can coming in second in the first two states finish somebody? If he comes in second, it may disappoint some people, but it also means that in these two states he’s the only Republican to win high spots in both. The idea that anybody’s finished after New Hampshire and Iowa is absurd. It’s Drive-By Media spin designed to dispirit and depress people. They’re out there saying, “Where does Romney go after New Hampshire?” Where do any of them go? It’s wide open! They go on to the next primary! South Carolina and Michigan. That’s where they go. For the Beltway crowd — not just the media, but for people that live and work inside the Beltway — to make conclusive statements about who’s going to win and who won’t based on all this — two states — is nuts, at least as far as the Republicans are concerned. There is no one candidate that has any front-runner momentum right now at all on the Republican side.

It is now onto South Carolina and Michigan, where Mitt will continue to make headway. He has the message, vision, experience, and finances to run a national campaign. For most of Mitt’s colleagues, they have a message that only resonates to a narrow part of selective state voters, and their ideas do not reflect the conservative outside-the-beltway change that Mitt Romney embodies."

Mitt Romney is not only still in this race, but he is winning. Michigan, his home state will be key for him, with 30 delegates at stake, but we here at Canadians for Mitt believe that he will prevail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is interesting see how many people voted with their hearts rather then their heads. Maybe Romney should fake cry in front of the camera.
Hey, it worked for Hillary!